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A reality constantly oriented towards the future, in 2011 relied on Microdevice.


Technologies Installed

The company chose the Colunbus solution integrated with the complete Click & Touch Black line, which allows the activation of multiple equipment with a single connection.
Colunbus, besides being the first flexible domotic system, which can be implemented and without the need for masonry, allows to neutralize the effects of magnetic fields, thus preserving the psychophysical well-being of the person.
Click & Touch consists of polycarbonates and is conceived to offer the right marriage of design and the simplicity of the control, where the confirmation of the choice made is underlined by a “click”. It is equipped with backlit buttons of an elegant blue colour that denotes its functions even in the dark.

The Click & Touch line installed in this facility performs multiple functions:
• Monitoring accesses;
• Adjusting temperatures through the thermostat panel;
• Managing the luminous scenic designs.

H-Supervisor System, a unique system in the current market for flexibility and functionality, which is specially modelled on the specific needs of Intred, managed to lay the foundations for a significant return in terms of energy savings.


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